Monday, September 20, 2010

Reflection - 9/21/2010

            I’ve always heard of the State Department, but I honestly never knew what its role actually was. It surprised me that such an important part of U.S security and issues regarding foreign affairs were only minutes away from campus. I’m not sure how many others feel the same way, but when it comes to the U.S, I’m stumped. I don’t do it on purpose – its not as if I intentionally aim at being ignorant of current affairs, but I find that school tries to breeze through material and since I’m not introduced to the topic in the classroom, I have no driving force to allow me to explore other topics. What I intend to get at is that I always understood that the State Department took care of affairs.. that revolved around.. well, the state (U.S).  I  wonder how many other Americans are in my shoes – figuring out how to survive, and lack either the time or resources to be able to educate themselves on what’s going on within their country.
            On one hand, I did go to school in the U.S and I have a strong academic foundation, but at the same time, I’m not exactly the most informed. I think that were we can distinguish who is actually active and who sits in the background and lets things take their own toll.
Mr. Bame gave me a new perspective on my education. As cliché that may sound, but I felt that he shed some light on a grey area and allowed me to develop an understanding of what to do with my career. Despite the fact that I don’t intend to work at the State Department or follow a similar career path, I was fascinated with the manner that he presented himself and his working life. At one point, I was so compelled to consider a career as his. Nevertheless, I did realize that if I wanted to be satisfied in the future, I had to choose a career that would bring the best out of my passions and me. To get there though, I know that these four years I should embrace them and explore D.C fully to be able to finally have an understanding of how exactly this country works.

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